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Mary Willcox Smith is a Parent Coach, Speaker, and a multi-published author, including the bestselling book, The MicroStep Method for the Overwhelmed Parent.

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For the past twenty-five years, she’s experienced the joys and tribulations of raising four daughters born within just five years. Her parenting challenges inspired a passion for neuroscience and child development, which then led to the creation of her framework. The MicroStep Method™ equips the overwhelmed parent with the understanding and tools to transform everyday parenting struggles into opportunities for creating moments of meaningful connection.

Mary believes that by dedicating herself to empowering and guiding parents with young children, she can contribute to reversing the rising tide of teen and young adult anxiety and depression. 


Mary holds an MBA from INSEAD Business School, is a Master Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Positive Discipline Expert. She provides coaching to an exclusive roster of parents and frequently speaks for schools, corporations, and parent groups.

About Me

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"Mary has completely changed my parenting.
Don't delay, your kids will thank you!"


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Mary Willcox Smith is a Parent Coach, Speaker, and a multi-published author, including the bestselling book, The MicroStep Method for the Overwhelmed Parent.

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Certified Master Life Coach (C.L.M.C.)

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Certified Positive Parenting Educator


Masters in Business


Bachelor of Arts:

Economics and Math

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Mary's Books

         Mary’s easy-to-implement scripts equip parents to confront the daunting goal and responsibility of empowering their children. These in-the-moment exchanges between parents and children—Mary calls these MicroStep Moments—often take less than a few minutes. 

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Photo of Mary Willcox Smith books

         Imagine you could know at 13 years old the things that you know now? Growing up in today's world can be challenging, lonely and confusing. These stories tackle the tough issues head on in a readable, friendly format to help youth thrive, find themselves, and break free from limitations. 


Start today- your kids will thank you!


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